5 Anti-Idling Videos We Love

Eco Living
Sep 30th, 2013 | By Amy Leibrock

You’ve seen our anti-idling video, right? It’s part of our I Turn It Off campaign to end unnecessary idling. We thought it turned out quite nice…here it is:

It turns out that we’re not the only ones working to end unnecessary idling. Local governments, school districts and environmental agencies all over the country (and Canada) have taken up the cause — and some of them have made their own videos. Some are slick, others homemade and campy, but they all share a common message: Stop idling! Here are some of our favorites.

**1. Angry Sue**
We won't ruin the punchline, but let's just say that this PSA from [Angry Sue](http://www.angrysue.ca/?p=24) makes her point.

**2. The Good Side of Idling**
This entrant into an anti-idling video contest in Edmonton, Canada, may be a few years old, but it's still pretty funny. The video maker asks "random" people on the street about the "good side of idling." The takeaway: If Canadians can go idle-free in wintertime, we can too. (Plus, you get to hear a Canadian say "chihuahua.")

**3. Billy "Idle"**
There's no arguing with Billy "Idle," a cute kid with an endearing accent who lays out the reasons why Newark, Delaware, residents shouldn't idle.

**4. WasteBusters in Connecticut**
In the style of the Discovery Channel's *MythBusters*, a trio of investigators from the Connecticut Environmental Protection Agency test a few myths about idling. They actually hook an idling car up to an IV bag of gas to see how much it guzzles, and then measure the tailpipe emissions an idling car generates. You can't argue with that, and it's actually a decent send-up of the real show.

**5. Idling Superhero Kids**
You can tell these kids (and the grown-ups) had fun making this video for the Southwest Ohio Air Quality Agency. A mother idling her vehicle outside her child's school encounters the "Air Quality Alliance" who help protect her and others against pollution.

Convinced yet? If so, sign our pledge to stop idling your car unnecessarily. It’s a small change that can add up to big savings! And you don’t have to be an amateur videographer to spread the word in your community—we’ll send you a free bumper sticker just for signing the pledge.

Tagged: sustainable living, energy efficiency, fuel efficiency, idling, reduce idling, iturnitoff, anti-idling, stop idling, idling videos, clean air, Green Living

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