2024 New Year’s Resolutions for Building a Better Food & Fuel Future

Dec 22nd, 2023 | By Chelsea Graham

It’s that time of year again…the one where we take stock and make resolutions to change our lives, and the world, for the better. Here are a few ideas from us on how to build a better future for food and fuel in 2024.

Want to drive less? Get public transit on the agenda

How much do you know about why America’s public transit and high-speed rail are so poor? Take some time to learn more about the history and context of our public transit, where it works well, and what the future looks like. Once you understand the big picture you can start learning more about the transit landscape near you. What issues does it have? What can be improved? What groups are working to advocate for public transit near you? Find out more about how you can become a powerful advocate for public transit.

Want to eat local? Check out your farmers’ market

There are plenty of ways to eat local, but farmers’ markets are one of our favorites! When you become a farmers’ market regular you’ll get to know your local producers and look forward to your favorite produce year after year: Asparagus, rhubarb, and strawberries in spring; stone fruit, corn, and summer squash summer; and squash, brassicas, and pears in fall.

Want to level up your garden? Honor indigenous foodways

Through food sovereignty efforts across the nation, indigenous people are bringing back traditional ways of growing and eating food. Do your part to honor indigenous foodways by joining a seed exchange or planting a three sisters garden. Learn more about and practice agroecology, which builds on indigenous practices to care for the earth and water while feeding us for the long-term. This can include cover cropping or building edible landscapes in your yard - often called permaculture. There are tons of resources online, but your ag extension agent can help you put these techniques into practice!

Want to feed the hungry? Address the root of food insecurity

Too many Americans cannot find or afford the healthy nutritious food they and their children need to thrive. Relief is provided by community-driven efforts like food pantries and mutual aid networks, but many advocates call for more long-term poverty-reduction strategies to address hunger. Advocating for strengthening federal and state policies like SNAP food assistance and free healthy school meals can help.

Want to waste less food? Become a freezer pro

Freezers are a safe and easy way to put food away and keep it from going bad. Whether you have a tiny freezer in an apartment or an enormous chest freezer in a basement, you can take advantage of good deals and seasonal produce, batch prep and freeze food, and save your leftovers from the trash. Finding your favorite ways of freezing and organizing food is crucial for making the most out of your space.

Want to preserve our natural resources? Advocate for right to repair

Our current economy relies on the extraction of resources to create cheap products that are used for a short time and then thrown away. The term “circular economy” refers to a model that aims to reorganize this pattern of consumption. In a key step toward a circular economy, right to repair laws make it easier for people to fix items instead of throwing them away. Proponents say these laws should reduce waste and support local economies. Find out how to advocate for right to repair policies near you.

Want to travel more sustainably? Take it slow

As you start thinking about your vacations for the coming year, learn more about how to plan a slow vacation. Slow travel is a counterbalance to this approach, encouraging people to take longer in one spot and really dive into the place they’re visiting. Slow travel can look different for different people. It might mean traveling by train instead of air, sticking around for longer to really get to know a city, or taking a bike trip.

What resolutions are you making for 2024? Share with us on social or over email at info@sustainableamerica.org!</p>

Tagged: New Year, 2024, resolutions, new years resolutions

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